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Love & French Fries

People often ask, what is love?
Well, there is no word in this world that has more definitions than the word “love.” Each person has their own individual definition based on their own experiences, and I believe I have finally watched enough tv series to be able to have my own, so here is my definition of love:
In my opinion, love is that warm, tasty, handsome, unexpected french fry that somehow ends up in your order of onion rings. You don’t know where it came from, or how it ended up in your life, but you really are happy to see it. Sure, on the long term, it may or may not cause you harm; heart attacks, cardiac arrest, & maybe even diabetes, but you know what? You don’t care! Just looking at it makes you forget all the possible risks.
As you take that french fry, smother it with the sweet romance of ketchup and devour its deliciousness, you thank God it ended up in your plate instead of someone else’s, & you wouldn’t bear to see it anywhere else. You throw caution to the wind & take the risk of eating that french fry, digesting, absorbing, metabolizing, accepting it & making it a part of you. It becomes part of your cells, body & soul.
Then one day, that french fry decides to leave you and start seeing other people. In doing that, it takes away a part of you, leaving you lonely, torn-up & bleeding from the inside. You try a few rebound fries but you automatically find yourself comparing them to your original french fry and they never make the cut. They’re either too French, not fried enough, or not French enough. Sometimes they look great but taste bad, & sometimes the opposite. They’re not like your perfect french fry.
You try to move on & just live without that french fry & the part of you that it took, but it’s difficult. Eventually, you just learn to live without that fry and whether you like it or not, your body & soul adapt to the way things are without that missing part of you, and somehow you manage to live, disabled & crippled by that french fry, yet grateful for the parts of you that still remain.
Then someday, unexpectedly, you run into that french fry again, as sweet-and-sour memories dance in your mind. You feel like one second with that french fry is worth a thousand days of misery, and you’d rather trust that french fry again rather than wonder,”What if?” every single, lonely night as you lay in bed. You remember your previous experience with it, the good, the bad & the ugly, and yet you make the dumbest, most intelligent decision to let it back in & to give it one more chance … Why? Because you’re a fool for love & french fries.

Published inA.M. Thoughts